
John Spence Weir


Los Angeles (Hollywood), CA., 1930

Have lived in San Francisco Bay Area since four years of age.

Married in 1959 to Victoria G. Alvarado, one son, Juan Sebastian Weir, 1968


San Francisco State College (now California State University, San Francisco),


1962-1968 B.A.

1969 M.A.

Professional Experience:

1948-1950 Cartographer; Pacific Gas & Electric Co. S.F., CA.

1950-1952 Electronic Drafting, University of California Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley

1952-1954 Aerial Photography, U.S. Army, Germany

1955-1968 Mechanical Designer to Principal Mechanical engineer, UC Radiation. Lab. Berk.

1968-1971 Supervisor of Graphic Arts, Space Sciences, U.C. Berkeley, CA.

1967-1975 Instructor, University of California, Extension Program, SF & Berkeley, CA.

1973 Instructor, University of California, Davis, CA.

1977 Instructor, California State University, San Francisco, CA.

1969 – 2004, Professor, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA. (retired 2004)


1979 National Endowment for the Arts Photographer’s Fellowship


Europe 1952-1954

Spain 1985

Mexico 1958, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1967, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1984, 1988,

1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

Portfolios Published:

1974 Mexico (20 black and white prints)

Introduction by Don Manuel Alvarez Bravo

1978 Out of State (group Portfolio, San Francisco State University)

Introduction by Henry Holmes Smith


George Eastman House, Rochester, N.Y. * **

Museum of Modern Art, N.Y. *

Oakland Museum, CA. * **

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, S.F., CA. * **

Pasadena Art Museum, Pasadena, CA. **

Biblioteque National, Paris, France (1994 acquisition; 60 prints of Mexico) * **

Chicago Art Institute, Chicago, Ill. *

Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester, N.Y. *

Lee Witkin Gallery, N.Y. **

California State University, San Jose, CA. *

Hallmark Gallery, N.Y. *

Crocker Gallery of Art, Sacramento, CA. **

Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona **

Don Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Private Collection, Coyoacan, Mexico **

Jack Welpott, Private Collection, Inverness, CA. **

Center of Photography, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics (2003 acquisition 20 prints, Mexico)

* Visual Dialogue Foundation Portfolio

** Individual Photographic Works

Web Pages

1999 -- Portfolio of Mexican images: ( See CD for more updated images )

2000 -- Photographs on Main page list of Photographers ( George Eastman

House )

Photographs Published:

1990 Foto Zoom No. 192 Jan. 1990, (Mexico), Portfolio of photography and article

about the artist

1979 Photography for Collectors Vol. 1. The West

1978 Forty American Photographers, Crocker Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA..

. 1978 Untitled #14, Friends of Photography, Carmel, CA.

1978 Contemporary California Photography, Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, CA.

1974 Popular Photography Summer Edition of 35MM Photography, Portfolio of

Photographs and article about the artist.

1971 California Photographers, University of California Press, Davis, CA.

1970 New York Times, April 19, 1970

1969 San Francisco Camera No. 1, Portfolio of Photographs

1969 Aperture, Vol. 13, No. 4, Portfolio of Photographs

1969 Vision and Expression, Horizon Press and George Eastman House

1968 Art in America, September, October

1968 Young Photographers, University of New Mexico

1964 First Edition & subsequent editions still in print, The California Missions, Book of

Photographs, Chief Photographer, Lane Publishing, Menlo Park, CA

One-Man Exhibitions:

2003 University of Louisiana Art Gallery

1989 Universidad del Chopo/Universidad Nacional Autonima de Mexico, Mexico, D.F.

1989 Galeria Frida Kahlo, Mexico, D.F.

1988 Foro de Arte y Cultura, Guadalajara, Mexico

1988 Galeria Hispana, Novato, CA.

1986 Diablo Valley College Art Gallery, Pleasant Hill, CA.

1977 University of Utah, Salt Lake City

1977 Spectrum Gallery, Tucson, Arizona

1975 Shado’ Gallery, Portland Oregon

1974 Lamkin Camerawork Gallery, Fairfax, CA

1970 Silver Image Gallery, Ohio State University, Columbus OH.

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2003 Shadai Gallery Tokyo, Welpott Weir & Barry

2000 ( MAY ) The J.J. Brookings Gallery, S.F. ,The Visual Dialogue Foundation Revisited

1994 Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona, Mexican Photographs

from the permanent collection

1979 Jerry Burchard, Ingeborg Gerdes, John Spence Weir: Photographic Viewpoints,

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA.

1978 Members Exhibition, Friends of Photography gallery, Carmel, CA.

1978 Contemporary California Photography, Camerawork gallery, S.F., (catalog published)

1978 Imagen Historica de la Fotografia en Mexico, Museo Nacional de Antropologia,

Mexico, D.F.

1978 Forty American Photographers, E.B. Crocker Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA.

(catalog published)

1977 Points of View/101 Ways to Photograph a Tombstone or Make a Rubbing,

The Center Gallery, University of California Extension Center, S.F., CA.

1977 4 California Artists: John Spence Weir, Catherine Wagner, Timo Tauno Pajunen,

Robert Barry, Intuitiveye Gallery, Washington, D.C.

1976 Diablo Valley College Faculty Show-1976, art Gallery, Diablo Valley College,

Pleasant Hill, CA. (including years ’77 through 2003)

1975 Ten Teachers of Creative Photography from the San Francisco Bay Area,

Friends of Photography gallery, Carmel, CA. (publication)

1975 Photographic Portfolios, (Mexican Portfolio) Focus Gallery, San Francisco, CA.

1974 Variety Show 2, Main Gallery, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA.

1974 Fifth Annual Photography West, Library Gallery, Utah State University, Logan

1972 The visual Dialogue Foundation, Friends of Photography, Carmel, CA.

(catalog published)

1972 The Photographer as Magician, Memorial Union Art Gallery, University of California,

Davis, CA.

1972 Photogenic/Photography Exhibit, Art Gallery, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA.

1972 Painting and Photography: Something in Common, Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial

Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1971 Visual Dialogue Foundation, Imageworks Galllery, Cambridge, Mass.

1971 Exposition Photographs Californiens, Du Musee Reattu, Arles, France

1970 The Visual Dialogue Foundation, Phoenix College, Arizona

1970 13 Bay Area Photographers of the visual Dialogue Foundation, Art Gallery

College of Marin, Kentfield, CA.

1970 The New Realism: Four San Francisco Photographers, the Witkin Gallery, New York

1970 Metropolitan Middle glass, Creative Photography Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, Cambridge

1970 Exhibition of Photographic Images, Fine Arts Gallery, Henderson Museum, University

of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

1970 California Photographers 1970, Memorial Union Art Gallery, University of California

Davis, CA.

1970 The Arrested Image, The Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA. (also keynote speaker)

1969 The Visual Dialogue Foundation, Center of the Visual Arts, Oakland, CA.

(catalog published)

1969 Vision and Expression, International Museum of Photography at George Eastman

House, Rochester, N.Y. (book published; traveling exhibition)

1969 Seria/Modular Imagery in Photography, Fine Arts Gallery, Purdue University,

Calumet, Indiana

1969 Recent Acquisitions, Pasadena Art Museum, CA. (catalog published)

1969 Photographs by Michael Bishop, Judy Dater, Clyde H. Dilley, Leland Rice and

John Spence Weir, San Francisco Museum of Art, S.F., CA. (brochure published)

1968 Young Photographers, University Art Museum, The University of New Mexico,

Albuquerque, (catalog published; traveling exhibition)

1968 Definition of the New Documentary, Creative Photography Gallery Massachusetts

Institute of Technology, Cambridge

1967 Photography 233.03, Focus Gallery, San Francisco, CA.