
Anxiety and Openness
Sorus, Helena
Chipboard, toothpicks, bamboo skewers, found apple carton, tissue paper, watercolor paint
ART 102, Intro to 3D Design/Sculpture
The assignment was to merge two personality traits into one 3-dimensional object. I chose openness and anxiety. The needling, mosquito-like quality of anxiety is represented in the cubes, and I found that the apple carton gave the light luminescence of openness that I was looking for.
Faculty Choice Award
Presidents Art Award
Wind Sculpture
Jo Gordin
Mixed Media
Instructor: Luke Damiani
Kᵒᶦ-1000 (Koi-1000)
Foley, John
Copper Wire and cut and folded Vellum
Instructor: Luke Damiani
My homage to iconic Japanese koi imagery in 3D. In my estimation, it is unfinished, but is art ever really finished?
Faculty Choice Award
Presidents Art Award
Truthseeker, Serenity
Wire, Epoxy sculpt, Fabric, Batting and Paint
Intro to 3D Design
This creature was inspired by foxes, dragons and Thylacoleo, which is an extinct cat-like marsupial. Everything on the doll is poseable, other than the parts made of epoxy sculpt.

Circe, Tanner
Foam, chipboard
Intro to 3D Design/ Sculpture
This piece is a representation of two juxtaposing sides of my personality. On the one hand you have the bright and whimsical, and on the other there is the abrasive and dark. Though these traits are very different, they form a delicate balance.
Faculty Choice Award